Hormonal changes can have a remarkable impact on our lives, whether they are balanced or unbalanced they can affect the way we think, how healthy we are, and even how happy and fulfilled we feel. At Metabolix Wellness Center in Clearwater, FL, we understand that one of the best treatments to correct hormonal changes is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
How Quickly Does BHRT Start Working?
The time it takes for the BHRT to take effect will vary from patient to patient. In addition to this, some health concerns take longer to resolve than others, so patients may see improvement in some of their symptoms sooner and some later. It is likely that you will start to see some changes in your condition around three weeks after you begin your treatment. However, in some patients it may take longer, and it can be up to three months before you see a difference in your health.
How Does Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a totally individualized approach to restoring hormone balance. During the process, our experts pinpoint the hormone levels of each patient, then assess what is needed to return their hormone balance to an optimum level.
How Do the Hormones Get Into the Body?
Hormones can be delivered to the body in a number of ways. These include creams, troches, tablets, and injectables. The different delivery methods may be more or less suitable for you, and we can work together to find both the best dose for you and the best delivery mechanism to suit your lifestyle and needs.
What Is the Difference Between Bioidentical and Synthetic Hormones?
The difference between these two types of hormones is their chemical structure. Bioidentical hormones are specially created to be identical to the hormones that your body creates naturally. This makes them both effective and safe, as your body is more likely to accept hormones that are similar to the ones it would produce.
What Are Signs I Might Need BHRT?
If your hormones are unbalanced then there are various symptoms you may see in your life. You may experience fatigue, aches, and pains in your joints, mood swings, depression, insomnia, hot flashes, atypical weight loss or gain, or changes to your sex drive or libido. Though there are a number of conditions that can cause these individual symptoms, it is always a good idea to speak with an expert about your hormone levels if you are experiencing more than one of these at the same time.
Your Energy Levels Are Low
It is normal to feel tired after a late night or a hard day of work. However, if you are not experiencing lots of stress, eating well, and getting enough sleep, and you are still experiencing significant fatigue, then you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance.
Your Mood Is Low or Disordered
Our brains, like our bodies, run on the chemicals that our bodies produce. If you are experiencing a change in mood, whether that happens to be depression, anxiety, or mood swings, then that could be a result of a change in your hormone levels.
You Are Having Issues in Your Sex Life
One of the most problematic symptoms of unbalanced hormones is the effect they can have on your sex life. For men and women, low hormones can lead to decreased libido. Men may find that they have difficulty maintaining an erection, and women may also experience vaginal dryness and even pain during intercourse. But if this is you, you don’t have to suffer in silence; BHRT may help you get that spark back.
You Are Facing Cognitive Problems
Your hormonal balance can have an effect on your brain and your cognitive processes. If you are newly suffering from brain fog, slowness of thinking, confusion, forgetfulness, or other similar issues, then it may be a result of hormonal imbalance.
Your Appearance Is Suffering
Hormones don’t only affect what is going on inside us; they make a difference to us externally as well. If your hormone levels are low you may be finding that your hair and skin are suffering. Lack of the right hormones can cause hair thinning and breakage. It can also lead to skin issues such as psoriasis, skin thinning, increased time taken for wounds to heal, and increased scarring.
BHRT can help with these issues, and can even make wrinkles disappear and promote a youthful appearance by increasing collagen production in the body.
All these symptoms can be caused by other conditions. However, if you experience more than one or two of them, it could be a good idea to get in touch with us and schedule an appointment. It may be that some of the symptoms that you thought you would just have to live with can be significantly improved by restoring balance to your hormones. You may even find that they disappear entirely.
We Offer Tailored Treatment for All
Men and women experience many symptoms in common if they have unbalanced hormones, but some of them are specific to men or women. This is why we make sure that every patient receives an individualized service tailored to their specific needs.
BHRT for Men
Men of any age can experience hormonal imbalance, however, it is most common for this to be experienced as men begin to approach middle age. As men grow older, their bodies produce less testosterone. This lessened production can cause decreased energy, strength, and muscle mass. It is common for men to seek BHRT to help them with symptoms as they age, and many find that they feel the best that they have done in years.
As a result of BHRT, men may find that they have:
- More energy
- Reduced body fat
- Increased muscular strength
- Better maintenance of lean body mass
- Reduced anxiety
- Improved mood
- Improved libido
- Boosted sexual performance
BHRT for Women
Hormones have an effect on a wide array of women’s health issues. The most obvious area is that of sexual and reproductive function, but there are many more. Women with unbalanced hormones may experience symptoms in other areas such as mood, metabolism, and many more.
A hormonal imbalance may result from menopause or peri-menopause, but that is not the only reason. Many women experience hormonal imbalance earlier in life and may look to BHRT to help them feel more like themselves again.
Many issues that can be ameliorated with BHRT, and positive improvements may include:
- Decreased symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)
- A more regular menstrual cycle
- Increased fertility
- Decreased postpartum depression
- General mood improvement
- Weight loss
- Decrease in symptoms of endometriosis
- Fewer sleep disturbances
- Fewer hot flashes
- No more night sweats
- Increased libido
- Decreased vaginal dryness
How Will I Know Which Hormones I Will Need?
Before starting any hormone replacement therapy, our experienced and qualified professionals will work with you to test your hormone levels. This will give us your current hormone profile and we will be able to see which hormone levels are lower than you should be. After assessing your hormones and talking with you about your health concerns, we will make a hormone replacement recommendation that we believe will balance your hormones and help you to feel your best.
We will continue to assess your condition and talk through any health concerns you may have. If you are unhappy with the progress you are making, we may reassess the balance of hormones that we are supplying you with, or consider upping your doses. Everyone metabolizes hormones at a different rate, and you can rest assured knowing that we will do our utmost to tailor your treatment to your personal health needs.
Once your condition has stabilized, we may suggest testing your hormone levels less often, so that you can relax and enjoy your good health. However, we will still be on hand if there are any changes or if you want to consult with us on any matter relating to your treatment.
Act Now To Look and Feel Your Best
As we age there are some things we just have to accept, but decreased wellness doesn’t have to be one of them. BHRT can transform your life by balancing your hormones and giving you back your energy and good health. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of experts at Metabolix Wellness Center in Clearwater, FL, where we can help you look and feel your best with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.