You haven’t felt like yourself lately, and although you can’t pinpoint why, the cause is less important than the symptoms: feeling down, out of sorts, and lacking in energy. Or, perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with depression but haven’t responded to more traditional medications. At Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL, we understand the complex nature of mental health and suggest you consider ketamine therapy administered via IV.
Mental Health Awareness
Every year, millions of Americans face the struggles of living with mental illness. It’s not an isolated group that must deal with these illnesses; almost everyone experiences poor mental health (MH) at some point, and as we learn to have increasingly open discussions on this topic, we continue to make progress. More must still be done, however, and that’s why in May, we join the movement to promote MH awareness and support patients and their families.
But you don’t have to be diagnosed with an illness like depression or anxiety to feel the effects of a tough year. The word pandemic will forever be part of our memories. Then there are the difficulties of daily life, like constantly meeting deadlines, worrying about money, and caring for loved ones. These are just some of the triggers that can leave us feeling…stressed. And it’s not long before this stress gets the best of us so we’re no longer feeling like ourselves.
Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine therapy (KT) is a safe way to give yourself a much-needed boost. As a medical therapy, it can treat certain psychiatric conditions in addition to enhancing memory and cognition. It’s administered in small doses, is well studied, and takes effect almost immediately. Many times, patients feel a lift in as little as 40 minutes, a much more effective timeline than the four to eight weeks typically needed for traditional antidepressants.
In a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), patients showed significant improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety within the first hour of receiving their first ketamine dose. The severity of their illness substantially improved within two weeks and was sustained after a month. Because of these results, ketamine has been named a robust and rapid treatment for depression.
A Multi-Faceted Treatment
When used to treat depression, ketamine can reduce feelings of anxiety and thoughts of self-harm or suicide. It’s also beneficial for physical health and has shown to reduce the body’s inflammation signals as well as improve communication with the brain. It may help in other ways, too, such as promoting healthier eating habits; when you’re feeling sad or depressed, it’s not uncommon to eat too much or too little. KT can help get you back on track.
How This Treatment Works
Ketamine got its start in the 1960s as a general anesthetic. During the Vietnam War, it was administered to soldiers on the front lines to ease pain. It’s also used in the operating room to reduce the administration of post-surgery painkillers.
When delivered in measured doses by IV, ketamine goes directly into your bloodstream and combines two mirror-image molecules that block a receptor called N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Functionally, this leads to fewer depressive symptoms. And when used long-term, ketamine can create changes in neurotrophic factors to dramatically improve mental health.
Treatment Details
The effects of treatment can last from days to weeks, depending on your body and the severity of your symptoms. The number of treatments you need will likewise be based on your individual assessment. For mind and cognitive enhancement, we administer treatment once weekly for four weeks and then once monthly. Rest assured we’ll craft a treatment plan that meets your particular needs, which is why we conduct a full medical examination at your intake.
Each session lasts around an hour. Our protocol is designed to heighten physical relaxation but keep your mind fully engaged. You’ll be directed to a dimly lit, quiet room and seated in a plush recliner. An eye mask and noise-canceling headphones will be provided to create the most pleasurable experience possible.
What to Expect
As you enjoy the effects of treatment, we’ll periodically check your vital signs. Once treatment ends, you’ll stay for an additional 30 minutes as we continue to monitor your progress. It’s a good idea to take it easy for the rest of the day. Avoid driving or strenuous activity for about 48 hours, and if you feel tired, make time for the rest you need.
As you move through your treatment plan, we’ll regularly check in to see how you’re responding to KT. We can make adjustments at any time to ensure you get the most out of therapy and emerge feeling like the best possible version of yourself.
Understanding Depression
More than 15 million adults throughout the United States are affected by major depressive disorder. Symptoms include:
- Loss of interest in activities
- Sleep disturbance
- Sadness
- Feelings of guilt
- Difficulty concentrating
- Loss of energy
- Changes in appetite
It strikes men, women, and adolescents without regard for race, religion, or social-economic status. Depression is, in fact, the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and costs $210 billion each year in treatment, interventions, and lost wages.
Treatment-Resistant Depression
Also known as TRD, this occurs in 33% of people diagnosed with depression. To best explain it, TRD is a lack of significant improvement in symptoms after two rounds of two different antidepressant medications from two different pharmacologic classes. The constant bouts of trial and error can make depression even harder to cope with.
Traditional Therapies
Ketamine therapy targets NMDA receptors in the brain, as mentioned earlier. It binds to these receptors to increase the amount of glutamate existing between neurons. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter in the AMPA receptor; working in tandem, the NMDA and activated AMPA receptors help neurons communicate more effectively along new pathways. This entire process is known as synaptogenesis and influences thought patterns, cognition, and mood.
Antidepressant medications, on the other hand, attempt to balance neurotransmitters that affect mood and emotions. This takes time and isn’t always successful. In addition, these medicines come with a slew of side effects, including:
- Fatigue and drowsiness
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Increased appetite and weight gain
- Constipation
- Loss of sexual desire
How Ketamine Is Different
KT works on receptors, not shifting hormones, to produce much faster results. It poses none of the side effects associated with traditional antidepressants and doesn’t require a mental health diagnosis. Anyone feeling down or unlike themselves may be eligible for ketamine.
Each patient first has a mandatory consultation with Dr. Agin. He’ll use this time to discuss your current symptoms, treatment goals, and long-term expectations. Then, after reviewing your medical history, he’ll determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment. Concerns that can benefit from ketamine include:
- Chronic pain
- Depression and anxiety
- Substance abuse
- Fibromyalgia
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Migraines
- Memory and cognitive issues
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Mood disorders
NAD+ Therapy
NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This coenzyme exists in all living cells and, because of its numerous roles in promoting health, is often called the anti-aging molecule. Indeed, studies confirm it can battle many chronic conditions relative to the body and brain, and those with low levels of NAD+ have shown to be at greater risk for depression, anxiety, and addiction – among other mental health concerns.
One way you can supplement NAD+ levels in your body is with IV therapy. This all-natural treatment helps your body fight against the effects of aging and illness so you feel healthier overall. Restoring neurotransmitter balance can also improve the symptoms of acute and chronic depression. Finally, treatment can reduce oxidative cell damage in the brain and likewise reduce your risk for disease.
Explaining Treatment
NAD+ therapy can be administered on its own or as a complement to other therapies, including ketamine infusions. Combining these two powerhouses leads to greater production of such neurotransmitters as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline; the results are improved mood, higher brain function, and prevention of future mental illness.
Infusing your body with NAD+ intravenously ensures you receive 100% of the molecule’s bioavailability. This allows your body to absorb the greatest level of coenzymes and convert them into molecular energy. And by skipping the digestive process, the benefits are felt much more quickly.
Benefits of NAD+ and Ketamine
What benefits are we talking about? For starters, people often say they feel a mental fog has been cleared after receiving NAD+ and ketamine therapy. They additionally report heightened mental cognition with better concentration and enhanced memory function. This overall boost can also help you overcome other mental health struggles, including anxiety and depression.
This treatment duo can additionally put a spring back into your step by increasing energy levels. It contributes to a healthy metabolism and can reduce inflammation. Finally, NAD+ can repair damaged DNA inside your body. You won’t notice these effects individually, but as a whole, you’ll feel stronger, more alert, and mentally healthy.
A Fast-Acting Boost
Ketamine therapy is the quickest possible way to ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety. We’ll discuss your concerns and expectations and then proceed with treatment in a comfortable, indulgent environment. The effects can be felt in mere minutes, and over time, ketamine can significantly improve not just symptoms, but your overall sense of well-being. Schedule a consultation today by contacting Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL.