Are you unsatisfied with the texture of your skin? Do you feel like your favorite makeup and skincare products don’t blend or absorb properly into your skin, resulting in a patchy appearance? Do you notice that dry, dead skin cells or peach fuzz is a source of insecurity when you look at your face? If you want an instant solution to your skin concerns, Dermaplaning How Often may be perfect for you! This non-invasive exfoliation treatment is proudly offered by Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL.
What Is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation treatment which uses a straight, scalpel-like tool to remove dead skin cell buildup and vellus hairs, also called peach fuzz, from the surface of your skin. It’s been noted to significantly improve the overall texture of your skin by creating a smoother, more uniform surface.
It can also improve the appearance of common skin concerns such as acne scars, signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and a dull or uneven skin tone by eliminating dead skin cell barrier which prevents restorative products and treatments from effectively addressing these issues.
How Does It Work?
Exfoliation is a natural part of your skin’s design. Your body creates a new top layer of skin approximately every 30 days and completely sheds old, dead skin cells in the process. However, these skin cells can sometimes remain on the skin’s surface longer than they should, obscuring new skin growth and giving your skin a dull or textured appearance. Peach fuzz can contribute to this issue. Unwanted facial hair can be darker than desired, creating shadows or patches on your face or interfering with your makeup application.
This treatment targets these normal issues by gently removing the dead skin cells and peach fuzz which sit on the surface of your skin. Results are instant, and you’ll find that your skin not only feels smoother, but looks smoother with or without makeup after treatment.
The first step in your journey to smoother skin is a consultation with your doctor, who will help you determine whether you’re a good candidate for this treatment. During this appointment, your doctor will examine your skin and discuss your areas of concern. They’ll explain exactly how this treatment could correct these issues and answer any questions you may have about preparing for treatment, the appointment itself, recovery, or final results.
Your doctor will ask you about any previous skin treatments or procedures you’ve had. It’s advisable to wait a few days before combining this treatment with treatments involving Botox or other dermal fillers. Your doctor will also ask about your regular skincare routine. If you use Accutane, shave or wax hair off your face, or use exfoliating products, your doctor may ask you to stop using these methods before your treatment to ensure best results.
Once you’ve had your consultation, you’re ready to begin preparing for your treatment. If you use Accutane, your doctor may ask you to discontinue use at least 6 months before treatment. One to two weeks before your appointment, stop using powerful exfoliating products like Retin-A. You should plan to stop exfoliating your skin manually 3-5 days before treatment. It’s important to avoid over-exfoliation, which can irritate your skin and cause discomfort after treatment.
Schedule your last waxing appointment at least 1 week before your treatment to avoid irritation, and avoid shaving your face at home for 1 week before treatment. Limit your sun exposure the week before your appointment. You don’t want sensitive, sunburned skin on the day of treatment. Drink a healthy amount of water and keep your face moisturized in the days before treatment. Finally, reschedule your appointment if you have any open wounds or active acne. These conditions could result in nicks with the Dermaplaning Tools and an ineffective treatment.
Plan to arrive to your appointment with a clean, bare face. You can ask your doctor any last-minute questions before treatment begins. Your doctor will begin by examining your face one last time to make sure your skin appears healthy and ready for treatment. They may apply a natural oil to aid in exfoliation, but this process is also highly effective when performed on dry skin. Using the handheld, surgical-grade blade, your doctor will carefully begin to exfoliate your face.
This treatment is completely painless. You may feel a rubbing or scraping sensation as your doctor works, but there will be no discomfort. Some patients choose to combine this treatment with a chemical peel or facial to complement the effects of exfoliation.
Your doctor can help you decide if this approach is right for you. As a single treatment, dermaplaning takes approximately 15 minutes from start to finish, making it one of the quickest ways available to achieve smoother skin.
After your appointment is over, you’re free to return to your daily activities with zero downtime. Your doctor may recommend that you wait to apply makeup for 24-48 hours as your skin may be red and sensitive after treatment. Keep moisturizing your skin during the week after treatment, and continue to avoid exfoliants for about a week to allow your skin to fully heal and prevent irritation. Once any redness has faded and your skin is back to normal, usually 24 hours after treatment, you can see the results of your treatment.
You should also avoid direct sun exposure for at least 72 hours. While the dead cells on the surface of your skin were unattractive, they did provide some protection from harmful UV rays, which are estimated to cause over 90% of skin-related concerns like wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer. Shield your newly exposed skin by wearing sunblock every day and avoiding direct exposure to the sun without wearing sunblock, even after your skin has healed. If you do need to spend time in the sun, reapply sunblock every 4 hours to ensure that your skin is protected.
Because this treatment affects the surface of your skin, you should see your results immediately after treatment. The layer of dead skin and peach fuzz will be gone, revealing your smooth skin. Any redness will face about 24 hours after treatment, leaving you with less texture and more confidence in the appearance of your skin. You should notice an immediate difference when you apply makeup.
Your products should sit evenly on the skin and give your face a matte, airbrushed finish thanks to the smooth surface. You should also notice that your normal skincare products are more effective. Now that the barrier of dead skin cells is gone, your products can fully penetrate your pores. Issues like wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation can be more accurately targeted, and your products will deliver full results as they are completely absorbed into your skin.
Any skin treatments you pursue after dermaplaning should be more effective at addressing your areas of concern, giving you more bang for your buck as you’ve given your skin the best chance possible to absorb ingredients.
How Often Do I Need Dermaplaning?
Since our skin naturally resurfaces itself about once a month, this treatment is not permanent. Your doctor will help you decide on a personalized treatment plan depending on your ideal results during your consultation. Most patients find that one appointment per month keeps their skin smooth and healthy, but more or less frequent treatments are also possible. Your doctor can help you evaluate your skin and choose the best schedule for you to find the perfect balance between avoiding over-exfoliation and maintaining your smooth skin.
With a commitment to regular appointments and a good skincare routine at home to enhance your results, your skin will remain smooth and glowing for years to come.
Can I Achieve Similar Results at Home?
Many patients who pursue this treatment have already been shaving their faces at home. While you may think that this treatment and shaving are one and the same, they’re actually two very different processes. In general, shaving only removes hair. It may remove some dead skin cells in the process, but traditional multi-blade razors are designed for hair removal, not exfoliation. Dermaplaning uses a surgical-grade, single-blade tool which is able to scrape away both dead skin and hair to fully reveal your fresh skin underneath.
You may wonder about how effective at-home dermaplaning kits and razors may be. While they can perform better than a traditional razor, these kits aren’t able to deliver the same results as a professional using a professional tool.
Your doctor is able to accurately treat your entire face and is trained to ensure that your appointment is quick, painless, and completely safe. At home, you’re more at risk of sub-par results or even injury due to lower-quality equipment and a lack of knowledge. In general, it’s best to leave this treatment to your doctor to see best results.
Who Is an Ideal Candidate?
This treatment is an excellent option for men and women who are dissatisfied with the texture or lifeless appearance of their skin. These issues can often be traced back to the accumulation of dead skin cells and natural peach fuzz growth on the surface of our skin. Helping our body in its natural exfoliation process is one of the best ways to achieve the glowing, healthy skin you want and make the skincare and makeup products you buy perform well and look great on your skin.
This treatment may not be ideal for those with hypersensitive skin, skin conditions like rosacea, or significant skin concerns like extensive wrinkling, age spots, or sun damage, which are often better addressed by a more intensive treatment.
In addition, it may not be ideal for those with active acne. Due to the use of a blade, acne can be irritated or even nicked during treatment, which can damage the skin instead of refreshing it. You should talk to your doctor about whether you are an ideal candidate for this treatment.
Love Your Skin
Living with skin which looks lifeless can make you feel insecure in social settings. Despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to exfoliate your skin enough, and shaving peach fuzz at home is time-consuming. Your skin’s texture makes your makeup products look cheap and patchy on your face. Even worse, the products you purchase to rejuvenate your skin and address other concerns can’t effectively penetrate the layer of dead skin cells sitting on the surface of your skin.
Dermaplaning can help you take the first step to achieving better skin by correcting the texture of your skin, revealing brighter skin, and removing dead skin barriers to your favorite skincare products. You’ll see your makeup glide on more naturally and notice an improvement in skin concerns like wrinkles, dark spots, and sun damage as your skincare products absorb fully into your pores. If you’re ready to learn more, contact the professionals at Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL to schedule your initial consultation today. We look forward to serving you!