If you have a double chin, may appreciate how it can have an overall negative effect on your appearance. It can makes you look older and heavier than you really are. Double chins aren’t characteristic of just the overweight; many slenderer individuals actually have them as well. If you are ready to quash that double chin, Kybella® may be the right solution for you.
The first thing that you should know about this treatment is that it is safe. It has received FDA approval, gone through many clinical trials, and proven to be effective time and again when it comes to eliminating fat in the submental area – or the region right under the chin. Here are some reasons why this may be just what you need to get rid of that double chin and look younger and slimmer.
A Minimally Invasive Treatment
Some individuals have turned to liposuction in order to get rid of submental fat and have had good results. However, this idea may not be appealing to you because of the downtime required, the risk of scarring, and the other risks that come with surgery. We are happy to tell you that Kybella® is a minimally invasive treatment that simply requires administering the product directly into the fat under the chin. The process takes approximately 30 minutes and requires no downtime. This product has also been used successfully to treat pockets of fat in other areas of the body; common alternative areas of application include knees, thighs, lower buttocks, underarms, abdomen, and bra bulges.
Get Rid of Your Double Chin for Good
Kybella® is an extraordinary solution to a problematic double chin. As a result, you can enjoy a new appearance that looks more refreshed. You are also going to be more resistant to building fat in the area under your chin since you will no longer have the same number of fat cells in the area.
Contact Us to Find Out More
If you are interested in the many benefits that can come from using Kybella®, we invite you to reach out and make an appointment with Priority You MD! At our convenient location in Clearwater, FL, our devoted team will be happy to explain the process, answer your questions, and help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals. Contact us today to set up your consultation!