MTHFR stands for the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (methyl-ene-tetra-hydro-folate-reductase). The MTHFR gene is responsible for making a functional MTHFR enzyme, this gene is responsible, in part, for converting vitamin B9 (folic acid) into a form your cells can use for metabolism. If you aren’t able to convert inactive B9 into levomefolic acid, the effects multiply as other metabolic processes are affected, and cellular processes slow to a halt. Depending on the severity of the variation, you might be completely unable to convert inactive B9 to its active form, or simply have a reduced capacity to do so. The enzyme also plays a role in the body’s ability to methylate (detoxify) properly. Having an MTHFR gene mutation can cause many different health problems throughout the entire body. The benefits of MTHFR testing are tremendous as it allows you to be proactive in your health, instead of sitting by idly wondering why you have a myriad of complicated symptoms that some doctors only seem to make worse.