Hormone Optimization
When your hormones are unbalanced, one of the first things to go is a good night’s sleep. This is often followed by a myriad of other symptoms for both men and women. At times this can cause complete disruption of one’s life. Read more about the symptoms of hormone imbalance and how optimizing your levels can improve your symptoms and have you feeling better in a matter of weeks!
Peptide Therapy
Aging in both sexes is associated with progressive declines in hormones and negative effects on energy, sleep, mood, libido and weight. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes wrinkled and loose, we gain fat and lose both muscle and bone mass. All of this is largely due to the decrease in Growth Hormone (GH).
Nutrient IV Therapy
Dr. Agin has been using Nutrient IV Therapy in his practice for over a decade. His clinically proven protocols are used at other physician’s offices across the United States. At Priority You MD, we use IV therapy protocols for general nutrition, weight loss, age management, immune function, performance enhancement, as well as aiding in the improvement and prevention of many chronic medical conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Autism, and many more.
Vitamin Injections
Due to over-farming and nutrient depleted soil, we can no longer rely on diet alone to get adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Nutritional aids are no longer just dietary supplements; they are requirements. Even with high quality oral supplements, because they must pass through the digestive system, only a small percentage (5-15%) is actually absorbed into the bloodstream. Nutrient injections, however, offer a 100% absorption rate by bypassing the gut entirely. This means you feel the benefits of supplementation faster and on a much greater scale than with oral supplementation alone.
Concierge Medicine
Concierge medicine is a modern health care model where the confines of insurance companies are removed, thus allowing physicians to focus on patient care without insurance restrictions. This means more attention to you, more focus on wellness, and more time spent on meeting your healthcare goals! As a concierge patient you have direct access to our practitioners anywhere, anytime, as well as a myriad of other incredible benefits!
Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancers
Survival rates for cancers covered by Color’s Hereditary Cancer Test increase dramatically when caught at an earlier and more treatable stage. Knowing your risk can help you take action. For example, you can work with our medical practitioners to create a personalized screening and prevention plan, designed to help reduce your risk of developing cancer.
MTHFR Testing
MTHFR stands for the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (methyl-ene-tetra-hydro-folate-reductase). The MTHFR gene is responsible for making a functional MTHFR enzyme, this gene is responsible, in part, for converting vitamin B9 (folic acid) into a form your cells can use for metabolism. If you aren’t able to convert inactive B9 into levomefolic acid, the effects multiply as other metabolic processes are affected, and cellular processes slow to a halt.
Micronutrient Testing
Having deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants or other essential micronutrients have been shown to suppress the immune system which can contribute to chronic disease processes. A simple blood test can measure the micronutrient levels within the white blood cells, specifically the lymphocytes. Since lymphocytes have about a 6-month lifespan, the nutrient levels accumulated in these cells represent a history of one’s nutrient status, rather than just a snapshot of recent nutrient intake.
Telomere Screening
Telomeres are sections of genetic material at the end of each chromosome. Telomere Testing consists of a simple blood test that can determine the length of one’s telomeres in relation to the their age. Age adjusted telomere length is the best technique to date to evaluate biological age. Consecutive evaluation of telomere length is an indicator of how rapidly one ages relative to a normal population. Therapies directed at slowing the loss of telomere length may slow aging and age-related diseases.
O-Shot Plus™
The O-Shot Plus™ is a simple nonsurgical procedure that uses a combination of the PRP (platelet-rich plasma) growth factors each woman has in her own body, plus living stem cells, to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation. The procedure is designed to help women with sexual problems or urinary incontinence, or to simply enhance the sexual experience.
P-Shot Plus™
The P-Shot Plus™ is an all-natural formula crafted with both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and living stem cells and — both of which are extracted from the patient at the time of your appointment– to counteract the effects of erectile dysfunction. This minimally invasive treatment can help you not only reclaim firmer, longer-lasting erections but a stronger sense of self-confidence.
Ketamine IV Therapy
Ketamine Therapy is a medical therapy used to treat some psychiatric conditions as well as enhance cognition and memory. Ketamine is given in doses much lower than when it is used as an anesthetic and is administered very slowly through an intravenous (IV) infusion.
Medical Out-Patient Detox
Many people want to stop using multiple prescription medications due to the horrible side effects and symptoms or even other substances, but do not have a doctor who can help guide them safely off of the prescription or non-prescription substance. Dr. Agin can help patients safely detox or switch to a more natural treatment approach. A medical appointment is required to determine candidacy. Contact us to schedule your consultation.