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What Can You Expect From Juvederm Treatment?

Juvederm is one of the most popular dermal fillers on the market due to its versatility. It can be used to smooth facial wrinkles, augment the cheeks, lips, and chin and even smooth away the deepest hand wrinkles. Today, the aesthetic experts at Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL reveal what you can expect from your treatment and how you can ensure the best results.

What Results to Expect From Juvederm Injections

Younger Hands

Dermal fillers are best known for their ability to smooth facial wrinkles. However, Juvederm is also FDA-approved to fill in the deepest wrinkles on the back of your hands. Since the skin on your hands is so thin, it is often one of the first places to show the signs of aging. Furthermore, your hands are far more likely to show sun damage than your face.

When this product is used to fill in deep hand wrinkles, the back of your hands remains smooth for up to 18 months. However, if you come in for a follow-up appointment at around 15 months, you can extend the final results of your treatment for another 18 to 24 months.

Augmented Cheeks

If you opt for the Voluma XC formula, you can expect non-invasively augmented cheeks. This formula is ideal for men and women who have lost a significant amount of cheek volume due to weight loss or collagen loss.

The great thing about the Voluma XC formula is it stimulates your skin’s collagen and elastin production. Your natural collagen production allows your skin to be volumized for years after the initial injections. It also tightens and lifts your skin, helping you look years younger.

Augmented Lips

Depending on the look you’re trying to achieve, there are Juvederm products you can seek to augment the lips. First, there is the Ultra XC formula, ideal for significant lip augmentation and moderate-to-severe lip lines. This robust formula provides dramatic results that usually last around two years before they start to fade.

Second, there is the Volbella XC formula which is designed to add subtle volume to the lips and treat mild-to-moderate vertical lip lines. The molecules in this formula are much smaller, making the formula perfect for correcting symmetry issues. The results of treatment usually last around 18 months.

Smoothed Smile Lines

If you have loose skin and deep lines or wrinkles around your mouth or nose, you can expect the original Juvederm formula or the Vollure XC formula to address these issues. The results of treatment with the original formula usually last around six to nine months. With the Vollure XC formula, you get results that last approximately 12 to 15 months.

The Vollure XC formula lasts twice as long as the original formula because the Vollure formula is manufactured with revolutionary Vycross technology. This unique manufacturing process connects the molecules in such a way that it cannot be broken down by your body very easily.

What to Expect Before Treatment

In-office treatment preparation will start with the removal of any cosmetics you wore into your appointment. For example, we will remove all makeup or lotion you may be wearing. Then, we will cleanse the treatment area to mitigate your risk of developing an infection. If you’d like, we can numb the treatment area before the injections begin.

However, numbing the targeted area before treatment is rarely necessary. The formulas we offer contain a small amount of lidocaine, a local anesthetic. If you are allergic to lidocaine, we can use ice or a topical numbing cream to numb the treatment area. However, the needles used for injection are so fine that most people find no need for numbing.

How to Prepare for Treatment at Home

There are several simple steps you must take at home to prepare for treatment. The extent of the required preparation depends on your current health and lifestyle. For example, if you suffer from recurring oral herpes outbreaks, take preventative medication in the 10 days leading up to your treatment.

If you take NSAIDs, take an alternative pain reliever in the two weeks before your treatment. If you smoke or drink alcohol, stop smoking, and drinking alcohol. Other things you should do to prepare for treatment include:

  • Not taking MAOIs
  • Not receiving corticosteroid injections
  • Not using retinoid creams
  • Not taking vitamin E supplements
  • Taking Arnica supplements


What to Expect During Treatment

Once the targeted area is clean, we will mark the most strategic injection points to achieve your desired look. Then, we will inject the dermal filler into the marked points at the appropriate depth. The entire treatment process takes between 15 and 60 minutes.

During your initial consultation, we will tailor a treatment plan to achieve your unique aesthetic goals. Once a treatment plan is in place, we can give you a better idea of how long you can expect treatment to take. Generally, if you’re only treating one or two areas of concern, you won’t need to schedule a long lunch break.

What to Expect After Treatment

After treatment, we will give you a comprehensive list of post-treatment skin care instructions. Then, you are free to go back to work or school. During the “recovery” process, you don’t need to change much of your daily routine.

Due to the local anesthetic included in each formula, you will not experience any pain or discomfort after treatment. Furthermore, thanks to the years of research and rigorous testing that have gone into each formula, you can expect no risks or side effects.

How to Care for Your Skin After Treatment

In the first hour after your treatment, you are free to take acetaminophen, but you must still refrain from taking NSAIDs. You may also want to apply Arnica gently to your treated skin. Furthermore, you should minimize the amount of pressure applied to the treated area.

During the first 10 hours after your treatment, avoid intense heat. This means you should avoid sunbathing, hot tubs, hot wax, steaming bowls of soup, tanning beds, steam rooms, and hot showers. You may also want to take a 24-hour antihistamine. Finally, make sure you wear sunscreen.

How Soon to Expect Results

The results of treatment appear in two stages. The initial results of the treatment are immediately visible. As soon as the injections are complete, you will notice that the skin around the injection sites is smoothed, volumized, tightened, and lifted. After a week or two, the dermal filler will finish working its way into your skin and you can enjoy the final results of treatment.

Once the filler has settled fully, you will notice that your skin is even smoother and volumized than it was immediately after the injections. Furthermore, the tone of your skin is dramatically improved.

How to Extend the Durability of Results

Seek Injections From Jamie Tripp, ARNP-C

Jamie Tripp, ARNP-C is our resident aesthetic medicine specialist. She is a skilled communicator who believes every client is unique and is excited every day about tailoring an aesthetic treatment plan to each individual who walks in the door.

Working with Jamie, you won’t just get the exact look you’re trying to achieve. You’ll also get results that will last longer than they would if they had been administered by anyone else. Jamie is an Allergan Master Trained Injector and ARNP Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner. You’re in good hands.

Get Your Hormones Balanced

One of the most common causes of wrinkles is a lack of estrogen. Juvederm injections temporarily boost your body’s production of collagen. However, addressing the lack of estrogen in your bloodstream is necessary to extend the results of your treatment dramatically.

Kathy Stocks, RN, is our resident hormone specialist and brings to the table over 15 years of hormone optimization experience. The best part about optimizing your hormone levels is the benefits go far beyond smoothing your skin. Hormone optimization also results in an improved libido, improved cognition, and improved muscle tone, just to name a few benefits.

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Sun damage is one of the leading causes of wrinkles. Specifically, UVC rays damage collagen, your skin’s supporting structure. When collagen weakens, your skin sags and wrinkles form due to significant volume loss. The only way to mitigate the risk of premature aging is to minimize sun exposure, wear a broad-spectrum sunblock, and avoid tanning beds.

However, if your skin has already been damaged by the sun, we offer an Anti-Aging IV. This unique IV features a proprietary blend of antioxidants and vitamins designed to repair damaged connective tissues in your skin.

Hydrate Your Skin

To extend the results of your Juvederm treatment, hydrate your body and skin with an IV drip provided by Jenny Nunn, MA. Jenny Nunn has held an IV certification since 2013 and will help you customize the most appropriate IV for your needs.

If you’re particularly concerned with extending the results of your dermal filler treatment, she can administer our Hydration IV, which is full of B vitamins, sodium, potassium, and zinc to keep you and your skin hydrated, even after a long day of water sports, a long bout of illness, or a long weekend of partying for a special occasion.

Minimize Stress

Meditate or make time for some other stress-relieving activity. Research shows that stress accelerates the aging process and damages connective tissues in your skin. Just make sure the stress-relieving activity you choose doesn’t damage your skin more than stress does. Tobacco consumption and alcohol consumption are great examples of activities to avoid.

Good Candidates for Dermal Fillers

You may be a good candidate for any of the aforementioned dermal fillers if you are between the ages of 18 and 65 and want to correct cosmetic concerns caused by volume loss. If you are concerned about the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, you’re a better candidate for Botox.

If you’re not sure what’s causing the lines, wrinkles, and folds on your face and hands, come in for an initial consultation. Our years of education and experience have provided us with the expertise necessary to quickly and accurately diagnose the cause of your cosmetic concerns. We will let you know if you need a dermal filler, Botox, or both to achieve your desired look.

Learn More About Enhancing Your Aesthetic Today

If you believe your aesthetic would be enhanced by adding volume to your skin, Juvederm is the perfect dermal filler for you. The versatility, safety, durability, and quality of results simply cannot be beaten. To learn more about this incredible line of dermal fillers, please contact us today at Priority You MD in Clearwater, FL to schedule your initial consultation.

Our staff has over a century of combined expertise in aesthetic and integrative medicine. Whether you’re concerned about augmenting your cheeks and lips or smoothing dynamic wrinkles on your forehead, we will combine the most effective modalities for your unique needs. We’re here for you!

Alex Colvin

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