P-Shot Plus

Has your sex drive become compromised by erectile dysfunction? While a common concern among men with age, erectile dysfunction can easily affect your ability to satisfy your partner and your self-confidence along with it. Surgical procedures can often follow extensive periods of downtime while prescription medications can risk unwanted side effects. Surgery and medications aren’t the only approaches to counteracting erectile dysfunction, however. With the latest advancements in medicine comes the P-Shot Plus™, an all-natural solution to helping you reclaim sexual satisfaction.

Priority You MD is your leading destination for male enhancement in Clearwater. Our team prides itself in giving all of our patients compassionate, personalized care, ensuring your experience with us is especially fulfilling to you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover if this revitalizing treatment may be right for you!

What is the P-Shot Plus™?

The P-Shot Plus™ is an innovative, natural formula comprised of both living stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is an all-natural solution that is created within a small sample of your own blood during the time of your appointment. One of our trained specialists will withdraw a small blood sample through a very fine needle, similar to a normal doctor’s visit. The sample is spun in a sterilized centrifuge for several minutes, during which blood plasma will bond with other growth factors to create PRP.

The Umbilical derived stem cells contain cells that are processed to preserve the cells naturally found in the Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord. The cells found here contain 5 million Mesenchymal Stem Cells as well as other beneficial cells naturally found in the amniotic fluid. This includes growth factors, cytokines, collagen, hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts and more. We then fuse your PRP with the stem cells to ultimately create the P-Shot Plus™.

How does the P-Shot Plus™ work?

Upon injection, the P-Shot Plus™ formula begins reparations within penile tissue, creating firmer erections. Blood circulation is also stimulated therein to establish longer-term results. Many people who have been treated with the P-Shot Plus™ have experienced amazing benefits such as:

  • Firmer, longer-lasting erections
  • Easier-forming erections
  • Increased sensitivity

Patients will also not be required to set aside downtime following their appointment. However, we may advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse for the remainder of that day.

Is the P-Shot Plus™ safe?

Yes! Since both the living stem cells and PRP are withdrawn from another region of your body at the time of your appointment, there is virtually no risk of harsh side effects or a severe allergic reaction.

Who is an ideal candidate?

Any man looking to regain firmer, longer-lasting erections and boost their self-confidence may find the P-Shot Plus™ to be an ideal treatment option. We offer complimentary 15-minute phone consultations with a practitioner so you can discover if this treatment may be right for you!

Ready to Get Started?

Please call or text our office at 727-500-2266 to schedule your complimentary phone consultation.