NAD has been shown to contribute to the following health benefits:
• Anti-aging at a cellular level
• Restores cellular energy, mitochondrial dysfunction
• DNA repair and protection
• Increased exercise performance and stamina
• Cognition and memory support; brain health
• Chronic Illnesses
• Neurodegenerative Diseases
• Autoimmune Diseases
• Drug Addiction and Detox
• Depression and Anxiety
• PTSD and Chronic Stress
• Metabolic Syndrome
Known as NAD+ Longevity Therapy or NAD+ Brain Restoration Therapy, NAD is the
acronym for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide – a derivative of Vitamin B3. Found in virtually all living cells, NAD+ is essential to sustaining life. A fascinating aspect of NAD+ is
its dual role in protecting against factors that age us. This includes mitigating chemical
stress, environmental toxins, inflammation, DNA damage, and failing mitochondria (powerhouse of our cells.) At the same time, NAD+ also promotes longevity by facilitating
DNA repair and providing cellular benefits associated with caloric restriction and exercise.
NAD is also necessary for the production of a group of proteins called “Sirtuins” which
play a key role in aging, cell death, stress resistance, inflammation, energy efficiency, and
mitochondrial biogenesis (creation of more powerhouse cells.)
NAD+ levels markedly decline with age, creating an energy deficit that decreases the
body’s ability to retain youthful, healthy function. As we age our NAD+ levels significantly decrease and in advanced age, they plummet to near zero. To give you an idea how
impactful NAD+ can be, by age 50 a typical person may have only half the NAD+ they did
in youth and by age 80, they will only have about 1% of NAD reserves. The rigors of
modern day life are also taking a toll on our NAD levels. Even at a younger age, we are
seeing NAD Deficiency caused by stress, inflammation, diet, alcohol, and drug use, including prescription drugs. Deficiency of NAD+ predisposes us to accelerated aging and impedes our ability to fully benefit from nutrients, resveratrol and other important antioxidants that protect our cells from aging and disease. NAD plays such crucial roles in aging
that one day normal aging may be classified as “NAD+ deficiency syndrome.”
NAD deficiency has also shown to have direct correlation with chronic illness. Low NAD
levels result in low levels of cellular energy, which is one of the primary factors of “mitochondrial dysfunction” – a condition that is implicated in a wide variety of chronic illnesses, including diabetes, autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, and many more. Restoring NAD+ levels allows cells to return to full energy status, offering a possible way to
undo mitochondrial damage and the resulting chronic illness.
One of the most impacted organs from NAD+ deficiency is the brain. NAD+ plays a vital
role in the brain by mediating brain aging and the tissue damage caused by various brain
illnesses. NAD+ helps to replenish the supply of neurotransmitters, improve cognitive
functioning, withdraw from addictive substances, overcome anxiety, depression, chronic or
acute stress, post-traumatic stress, CTE, and other conditions by giving the brain what it
needs to return to proper functioning. NAD+ has been shown to be effective with cases of
brain fog, cognitive impairment, and “chemo brain”. It has a powerful capacity to “reset”
the brain to its original set point.
Using a direct IV infusion of pure compounded NAD+ from an FDA-registered pharmacy
is the most effective and efficient way of raising NAD+ levels. As NAD+ gains popularity
in the press and throughout the medical community, there are an increasing number of oral
NAD supplements available. However, oral supplements are not regulated and not very
effective at raising NAD levels.
By improving connections and messaging in the brain, we look at ketamine as a form of
liquid ambition and a way to improve people’s perspective on life. As Dr. Agin likes to
say, “when it comes to the puzzle of life, ketamine can help you find the pieces that fit correctly, as well as help you to identify the pieces that don’t fit or belong at all. Helping to
identify what is missing or what doesn’t belong in your life puzzle is the first step to living
a happier, healthier, smarter, and more fulfilled life.”
Research has shown that people with low levels of NAD+ are at a higher risk for developing problems related to addiction, depression, anxiety, other mental disorders and chronic
diseases. Recent studies have shown that enhancing NAD+ levels can profoundly reduce
oxidative cell damage in the brain reducing risks for disease. The actions of NAD+ make it
an excellent brain regeneration therapy through inflammation reduction and restoration of
neurotransmitters in your brain.
Neurotransmitter balance can improve symptoms of acute and chronic depression on its
own, or it can act as an ideal co-therapy alongside other traditional and non-traditional
treatments, including Ketamine Therapy. Stimulating production of important neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline can directly improve mood,
brain function and also prevent future mental illness.
Understanding the role of mitochondrial function in psychiatric disorders may also lead to
a better understanding of how alternative therapies can provide substantial benefits when
compared to standard therapies for patients with mental illness.
• Depression
• Mood disorders
• Acute and chronic pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Anxiety Disorders
• Stress Disorders including improved response to stress
• Spectrum disorders including Rhett and Autism
• Neurodegenerative protection against dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
• Cognitive enhancement and memory improvement